Water. Both consulting services, assessment and public and in-house training in the field of water treatment and waste water treatment. Our company serves customers from all over Indonesia and parts of outside Indonesia, Myanmar, Kuala Lumpur, Saudi Arabia.*Business in the field of water treatment and waste water treatment* is one of the contributions to civilization in the world, especially saving the environment, especially water.

If you travel to a new city or country, what do you prepare first? Certainly is a map for directions. Like for example google maps, will show the direction of your destination precisely. Likewise in the WWT / STP design a map is needed. The goal is that in designing WWT / STP there is a Roadmap.

In the *RDW 1.0 WWT / STP design roadmap* found Ir. Dwi Handaya,MHSE about 2 years ago and developed by Zainal Arivin, B.eng we rename it RDW.10 and of course we continue to develop it to facilitate the learning process.

*Tools: 1 RDW version 1.0* contains 10 boards, which are 10 precise and effective steps in designing STP / WWT.

*There are at least *3 Reasons for you to learn this Design expansion WWT / STP RDW version 1.0 Roadmap Design tools* :

1.By mastering these tools, becomes a guide for the Assessment / monitoring of our wastewater treatment plants. Because our first client is our own company. By learning these tools you will be able to file the knowledge you have on your team and company. Because there are many great and knowledgeable owners but have difficulty in transferring their knowledge and escorting their execution. The hope is that by mastering these tools you will be able to grow and even scale up your company._

2.By mastering this tool can help friends, relatives, relations, your community and people who are important For those of you who are having problems in treating wastewater or developing their business and most importantly this useful knowledge can be a charity for us together.

3.By mastering these tools, those of you who want to become professional WWT Assessment Assessor. At least those few points can be the reason why you should learn this tool.

*Register immediately you and your team in training, limited to only 25 serious Participants*

*Wastewater Treatment Design and Expansion*

*Facilitator trainer :*

*Muhammad Ameen Keryo,MSc.Mcom* – CEO Private Limited (MAKES) is the leading Environmental Construction Company dealing in designing & development of Biological wastewater treatment systems.

*Ir. Dwi Handaya,M.HSE*- Water & Wastewater Treatment Specialist, Chairman IdWA – who has 30 years experience in his field will show how the principles of liquid waste management and improve technical in designing the process and installation of wastewater treatment and improve the ability to optimize the installation of waste water treatment.

*When ?*

•Day / Date : Saturday-Sunday, 21-22 December 2019-12-03
•Time : 9 pm to 5 pm
•Place : Hotel Regent Plaza Main Shahrah e Faisal Karachi Sindh

*Investment Cost:*

Cost 620 $ USD (for two participant)
•Payments made prior to the implementation of the training, the transfer to the account: BRI UNIT Driyorejo: 318201034607538 CV.KREATIF BERSINAR (Proof of Payment sent to Email:finance@sinarglobal.co.id Whatsapp: https://wa.me/6282139125256

*Training methods :*
•Presentation of “best available technology” in the field of WWT, case studies, Diksusi, Quiz, sharing experience.
•Participants can bring field data when planning to expand in the field of WWT plant.
•WWT expansion calculations done in Excel, so it can be directly copied to the participants.
•Trainer with Language English
•Workshop and study case Design STP,WWTP with tools Roadmap Design WWT/STP Version 1.0

*Who Should Attend?*

_Whoever is responsible for minimizing long-term costs associated with water use, water treatment, drainage, sewage, waste water treatment and who is responsible for compliance with environmental regulations, including_ :
•Contractor Water & Wastewater Treatment
•Supervisors / Managers, Engineers plant
•Design Engineers,
•environmental engineer
•Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM)
•personnel regulations
•Contractors, Researcher
•Manufacture engaged Equipment Water, wastewater
•The company advocates, Student, Others

*Training duration :*

•2 days effective 14 hours (09:00 to 16:00)

*Facilities obtained by participants*

1.1 Times Lunch/day
2.2 Kali Coffee Break/day
3. DVD Presentation/Flasdisk
4.legal pad
5.Seminar kit
6.Ebook + bag Goody Bag
7.Hard Copy Book Wastewater Treatment (WWT) Design and expansion of WWT, STP,PWT
8.Tools Roadmap Design STP,WWTP, Version 1.0
10.Experienced and qualified trainer and Networking

Indonesia registration information :
Sinar Global Consultant | Waterpedia
Email : zainalarivin@waterpedia.co.id Website : www.waterpedia.co.id
Whatsapp : +62 82-1391-25256 Whatsapp : +62 82-1391-25256 | klik https://wa.me/6282139125256

Pakistan registration information:
MAKES Pakistan Pvt Limited
Email: Keryoameen@gmail.com
WhatsApp: +92 300 3233687